
AIRR held a VC on the subject: “Strategies for the entry of export-oriented companies to the market of the Argentine Republic”

15 December2020

On December 15, 2020, the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia together with the Trade Representation of the Russian Federation in the Argentine Republic intends held a video conference on the subject: “Strategies for the entry of export-oriented companies to the market of the Argentine Republic.”

At the online discussion, Sergey Derkach, Trade Representative of the Russian Federation in Argentina, took floor as the major speaker.

The Argentine Republic is one of the most developed countries in Latin America. About 45 million people reside in the territory of 2.78 million sq. km.

“Due to the geographical location and favorable natural and climatic conditions, agriculture (crop production and animal husbandry) is highly developed in Argentina. Therefore, in the structure of GDP that makes up about USD 440 billion,  the key role is played by the agroindustry and manufacturing,” Sergey Derkach noted.