
Dmitry Medvedev supported the initiative of the Ulyanovsk region to increase the power of the first wind farm in the country.

09 June2017

The Prime Minister has visited the region with the working visit on June 7. The Governor Sergey Morozov introduced projects of the regions in the sphere of alternative energy.

«Today we presented a proposal to increase the state support to the program of development of the wind industry. It is about the support of investors that are ready to make contributions into building of wind farms. To date there is a great quantity of applications both from Russian companies and from foreign ones. The Federal program includes the power of 3,35 gigawatt. This year and next year the limit will be distributed among the regions – that’s why if we bet on wind energy, today is the high time to increase the volume. It will permit not only to add non-polluting electric energy, but to create a new industry. Even now there is a great demand on windmills and their components. For the Ulyanovsk region it means new manufacturing, new workplaces, extra tax contributions», - presented the proposal the Governor Sergey Morozov.