
Ivan Fedotov told TASS about the most advanced digital pass systems in Russian regions

30 April2020

MOSCOW, April 29. /TASS/. Tatarstan, Yakutia, the Nizhny Novgorod and Tomsk Regions managed to implement the most high-tech stay-at-home order compliance monitoring, being the most advanced Russian regions. Such opinion was passed to TASS on Wednesday, by Ivan Fedotov, Director, the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR), which association is the organizer of the discussion on implementation of the digital pass platform.

To monitor the compliance with the stay-at-home order that was, in one form or another, introduced in all regions of the Russian Federation, authorities are implementing special passes, video control, and taking other measures.

The Head of AIRR noted that specific measures differ by region and its specifics. The expert drew attention to the fact that the situation with coronavirus spread is now uneven, therefore it was impossible to establish the same control arrangements for all constituent entities.