
News overview: March 25-29

29 March2024

The council, chaired by Dmitry Chernyshenko, will consider 12 applications for the creation of world-class scientific and educational centers (RECs). Regional centers from the Republics of Tatarstan and Komi, Primorsky and Trans-Baikal Territories, Leningrad, Omsk, Sakhalin, Novgorod, Ryazan, Lipetsk, Pskov, Amur and Zaporozhye regions took part in the competition. The activities of the RECs submitted to the competition are aimed at preserving health, marine instrumentation, development of polymer materials and composites, bioeconomy and other areas.

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The Republic of Mordovia

The production of medical glass for the pharmaceutical industry will be opened on the territory of the first SEZ in Mordovia, Sistema. The production capacity will be 7,000 tons per year. The project is being implemented by a resident of the SEZ - Lispharmsteklo LLC of the Glass Decor group of companies. 3.2 billion rubles will be invested in the implementation of the project. The plant will create 200 jobs.

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The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The head of Yakutia, Aisen Nikolaev, signed a decree on the development of the republic’s transport and energy infrastructure. The total volume of investments in these areas over 5 years will be at least 600 billion rubles.

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Republic of Tatarstan

The head of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, approved the implementation of investment projects with a total investment of 230 billion rubles. The projects include the construction of a complex for the production of ammonia and urea from JSC Ammonia, as well as the organization of a production base for the construction of an asphalt concrete plant.

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The authorities of Tatarstan officially announced the creation of the Tura 2.0 industrial park in the Zelenodolsk region. The park is located on the M-7 highway and covers an area of 300 hectares.

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Krasnoyarsk region

The Lesosibirsk port became a winner of the Industry Leader competition in 2023 in the Best River Port or Terminal category. The competition assessed the performance results over the past three years, financial situation, major achievements and safety. In 2023, more than 800 thousand tons of cargo were transshipped through the Lesosibirsk port, including cargo for Norilsk Nickel, Novoangarsk Mining and Processing Plant, and Sovrudnik. The port of Lesosibirsk is an important link in the transport and logistics chain for ensuring the delivery of goods to the regions of the Far North (“Northern Delivery”).

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Irkutsk region

The Magic Baikal project will attract more than 1.4 million tourists to the region. It includes two locations - Baikalsk with a special economic zone of the tourist and recreational type “Gates of Baikal” and “Baikalskaya Sloboda” in the Taltsov region. It is planned to create more than 5.4 thousand hotel rooms, a landscaped embankment, parks, and a trail construction center. The project implementation period will be nine years. The total area of the resort area will be about 1.2 thousand hectares, the length of the coastline will be 7 km, the amount of budget investments will be 25 billion rubles, and private investments will be 54 billion rubles.

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Lipetsk region

A resident of the Lipetsk SEZ will invest 100 million rubles in opening a new workshop for the production of geomembrane and geogrids. The new workshop will, among other things, process waste from the main production, generating additional benefits. Geogrids will be produced from recycled materials, which will be used to hold soil during the construction of highways and gas pipelines and to protect slopes from erosion.

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A line of “shock” freezing of pitted cherries, unique for Russia, will be launched this year in the Usmansky district. Now the plant specializes in the production of garden strawberries, raspberries, broccoli and cauliflower. Finished products are supplied to enterprises producing yoghurts and other dairy products, confectionery and bakery products for fillings and natural flavorings. In 2023, the Fragaria company produced more than 5 thousand tons of frozen berries and fruits and shipped products worth more than 1.1 billion rubles.

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Nizhny Novgorod Region

By 2029, it is planned to locate about 65 new production facilities on the territory of the Kulibin SEZ. It is expected that the volume of investment in the regional economy will amount to about 175 billion rubles, and 7 thousand jobs will be created. Anton Garanin, Deputy General Director for Strategy and Development of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Development Corporation, spoke about this.

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Novosibirsk region

The Gorkunov company plans to build another greenhouse plant in the Novosibirsk region for growing greenhouse vegetables. Its area will be up to 10 hectares. The estimated volume of investment is 2.4 billion rubles.

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Samara Region

Residents of the Togliatti special economic zone (SEZ) in the Samara region plan to open 15 new production facilities in the next three years. The expected volume of investments declared by residents is 48.7 billion rubles, of which more than 32.8 billion rubles have already been invested. Currently, 19 production facilities have been organized on the SEZ site.

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Tomsk region

Investments in the economy of the Tomsk region in 2023 increased by 11 percent and amounted to 148.5 billion rubles. 25.6% (31.9 billion rubles) falls on mining, 25.1% (31.3 billion rubles) on manufacturing, 11.3% (14.1 billion rubles) on transportation and storage, as well as 11.1% (13.9 billion rubles) for real estate transactions. Investments in fixed capital of small businesses amounted to 16.1%.

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Ulyanovsk region

An investment project in the production of climate control equipment will be implemented on the territory of the Ulyanovsk Special Economic Zone. The volume of investment will be 100 million rubles, 50 jobs will be created for residents of the region. The project is planned to be implemented in two stages: in the first stage, to organize the assembly production of heating systems; in the second stage, to establish the production of full-cycle air conditioning systems.

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