
News overview: May 18-24

24 May2024
The government has submitted to the State Duma a bill “On Technological Policy in the Russian Federation” - it should become the basis for building a technological economy in the Russian Federation and harmonize industrial and scientific policies. The document was developed by the Ministry of Economy as a continuation of the Concept of Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2030. Achieving technological leadership is one of the national development goals: by 2030, Russia should enter the top 10 countries in terms of R&D volume, increase the share of domestic high-tech goods and gross added value in processing.

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Republic of Bashkortostan

In 2024, in Bashkiria, 28.7 million rubles will be allocated for the implementation of the “Promotion of rural employment” direction of the “Integrated Development of Rural Territories” (CRST) program.

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Republic of Tatarstan

SIBUR will build plants for the production of ethylbenzene, styrene and polystyrene at Nizhnekamskneftekhim; the amount of investment in the project will exceed 180 billion rubles. The start of construction work on the site is planned for 2025, and the achievement of mechanical readiness and commissioning work is planned for 2028.

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Perm region

A second special economic zone with a total area of ​​132.2 hectares will appear in the Kama region. Of these, 110.7 hectares will be located in the area of ​​the Perm Polytechnic complex on the right bank of the Kama. Another 21.5 hectares will be added at the second stage, in case of expansion in 2028 due to the interuniversity campus currently under construction in Kama Dolina. The companies LUKOIL, Meridian, and Robotech should become residents of the SEZ.

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Nizhny Novgorod Region

The Nizhny Novgorod region was in second place in terms of the level of development of public-private partnerships, scoring 52.3 points. The region was second only to Moscow – 98.9 points. The top five also included St. Petersburg (42.6 points), Leningrad Region (42 points) and Perm Territory (39.5 points).

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Nizhny Novgorod ANO Regional Recruitment Agency and Gorky Tech have developed a comprehensive project with the help of which they hope to lure high-quality IT specialists to the region and land them. According to the regional government, the project should help them move and adapt to their new place of residence.

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Mikhail Mishustin was shown the project of the Institute of Neuromorphic AI in Nizhny Novgorod. The institute is expected to open at the Neimark IT campus. The research institute will develop AI technologies that are built on the principles of the brain: the Internet of things, robotics, control of unmanned drones, neuroimplants and telecommunications technologies.

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Novosibirsk region

Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU) has developed a SARMA-type cargo drone. It is designed for aerial agricultural work, cargo delivery and long-term monitoring. The drone is capable of lifting loads up to 100 kg, and its flight range is up to 1.2 thousand km.

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The Elron company will launch the production of single-board computers based on “sanction-independent electronics” in Novosibirsk. The product can be used in various industries - computer technology, machine tool building, industry, instrument making. The production volume in the first year will be several hundred products per year, next year up to several thousand per year. Investments in the first stage of launch will range from 50 to 100 million rubles, they are necessary for the purchase of automated production lines.

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A pilot regional competence center for using the results of space activities will be opened in Novosibirsk on the basis of the Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies. The main task of the created competence center will be to provide interested organizations and departments, as well as private users, with both ready-made information and analytical products and services obtained on the basis of geospatial data to solve their applied problems, and educational programs for their use. The center will open in 2024.

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Tomsk region

Two Tomsk companies, LLC Watercom and LLC Fabmetall, will become new residents of the special economic zone "Tomsk" (SEZ "Tomsk"). The total investment will be 2 billion rubles. The companies will join at the end of May 2024.

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A logistics center of the Logistinveststroy company will appear in the Tomsk industrial park. The company plans to implement the project in five years. Investments in construction will amount to 300 million rubles.

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Ulyanovsk region

In the Ulyanovsk region, 200 thousand people are employed in the field of small and medium-sized businesses. Another 64 thousand people are self-employed. The figures show the successful implementation of the national project “Small and Medium Enterprises”. Success is also indicated by “economic expression in the form of growing production volumes, wage fund and tax revenues.”

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