About the Association

About the Association


Organizational and Legal Form: Association for Economic Cooperation of Subjects of the Russian Federation (regulated by Federal Law No. 211-FZ of December 17, 1999, "On the General Principles of Organization and Activity of Associations for Economic Cooperation of Subjects of the Russian Federation") The signing of the Founding Agreement to establish the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia took place on May 21, 2010, in Tomsk during the XIII Innovative Forum "Innovus. "The establishment of the AIRR was supported by the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and JSC "RUSNANO."

Governing Bodies: Supervisory Board, Association Council, Directorate.
Rustam Nurgalievich

Chairman of the Association Council - Head of the Republic of Tatarstan

Objective: To facilitate economic cooperation among the member regions of the Association, based on a comprehensive representation of their interests at the interregional, federal, and international levels.

The share of the Association's regions accounts for AIRR IN NUMBERS

25,4% russia's GDP
34,0% innovative products
29,4% innovative organizations
34,2% all expenditures on innovative activities
24,3% expenditures on research and development
26,9% personnel in high-tech

In the regions of the Association, there are over 574 innovation infrastructure facilities, including regional engineering centers, technoparks, industrial parks, business incubators, and innovation territorial clusters, among others. This accounts for nearly half of all facilities operating in the territory of the Russian Federation.