
Novosibirsk scientists are implementing innovative projects

22 November2022

Scientific developments in the field of agriculture include the extraction and production of fertilizers, the development of new plant varieties, and others. Innovative projects are already being implemented with the support of the region.

At the strategic session “REC as a tool for the development of scientific and industrial cooperation,” Deputy Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Irina Manuilova noted the high results of the Siberian Biotechnological Research and Education Center (SibbioREC) for 2021-2022.

The agro-industrial complex is one of the leading industries for the Novosibirsk region, SibbioNOC projects are supported by the government of the Novosibirsk region represented by industry ministries - the Ministry of Science and Innovation Policy and the Ministry of Agriculture. Here, agricultural scientists will be able to transfer scientific technologies into production”, noted Irina Manuilova.

Novosibirsk scientists presented innovative projects in the field of fertilizer production - sapropel at the Barabinsk feed mill site. Scientists have selected prototypes of products and new work technologies, a license has been issued for the extraction of sapropel from Lake Peschanoye, and two sediment processing workshops are being built in Barabinsk and Novosibirsk.

BioEastEn LLC has developed design documentation for the equipment of a pilot plant for the production of organic fertilizers by thermochemical processing of manure using vortex technologies. JSC Novosibirsk Poultry Farm has prepared a production facility for installation of equipment.

Scientists from the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (NSAU) have patented a new tomato variety, “Spock,” and their colleagues from Novosibirsk State University (NSU) have tested a prototype device for photodynamic therapy and prepared documents for registration with Roszdravnadzor.

In the Novosibirsk region it is planned to create a pilot project of an agrobiotechnopark on the basis of a biotechnology research center. The project will begin implementation in 2023. The development of the agrobiotechnopark will be carried out according to the technology park model - first, conditions will be created for anchor residents, and later, as other enterprises are included, additional infrastructure will appear.

Let us recall that world-class scientific and educational centers (RECs) were created on the basis of the integration of higher educational institutions, scientific organizations and manufacturing enterprises. In 2019-2021, 15 scientific and educational centers were created, covering 35 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. They claim global leadership in a number of industry areas. The experience of implementing the first three years of this program indicates that the effect from the work of REC participants will be cumulative.

On January 12, 2022, the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR) held the first in-person all-Russian conference of scientific and educational centers (REC). The event took place at the RANEPA site. Representatives of federal departments and regional bodies took part in the conference. They touched upon the need to create a special legal regime for RECs, increase confidence in scientific and educational centers among business representatives, and support measures from the state.

The Novosibirsk region has been a member of the Association of Innovative Regions of Russia since its founding in 2010 and has been an active participant in its work all this time. The region is rightfully a leader in almost all key areas, but its rapid development is in the scientific field and in staffing the region with specialists that will be in demand in the future. The Novosibirsk region is famous for its scientific potential, necessary conditions and resources for the development of innovative activities.